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Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunny Southern California – 1634 19th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404

IEP Meetings

For students with special needs through collaborative planning.

Obtaining Assessments

Comprehensive evaluations to inform educational decision-making.

Professional HelpWelcome to A2Z Educational Advocates

We appreciate your trust. Our clients choose us and our services because they know we're the best.

Compliance issues

Compliance issues ensure adherence to educational regulations and standards.

Due Process Cases

Fair and equitable resolution of disputes in the education system.
contact us

Let Us Answer Your Questions

Our experienced team will happily consult you on any questions you might have. Feel free to contact us at any time.

    Feel free to contact us at any time. 310-573-1430

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    We give you personal attention

    We appreciate your trust greatly! Our clients choose us and our services because they know we’re professional and caring.

    About Us

    Who we are?

    What do you do when you discover your child has special needs? You’re shell-shocked, you’re frightened, and you’re wondering how this could have happened to you. Where do you turn? How do you begin the process of reorienting your life and learning about things you never imagined you’d have to know? You’re frustrated and overwhelmed. This isn’t the life you imagined, this isn’t the child you imagined. You feel isolated and unsure. How do you move forward? How do you secure the educational and other support services necessary to enable your child to progress and succeed? Ask A2Z Educational Advocates. Each of us has confronted these questions with our own children, as well as with our clients.

    As a Special Education Law Firm in the Southern California area. We assist parents of students with disabilities in obtaining special education services for their children. We work to represent the parents of special needs kids at every level of the process.  We help parents navigate the maze of school districts and the special education process, including the assessment process, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, compliance complaints, mediation, Due Process hearings, and beyond. We come at this with a unique approach, working on every case as a collaborative team, with Parents a vital and active part of that team. We strive through zealous advocacy to ensure that students receive appropriate placements, services and supports as they are entitled to under the IDEA.
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    We provide quality
    legal services.


    1634 19th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404


    Call: 310-573-1430

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